Is this you?

It’s a crazy ride with this gang of ink-stained wretches who created the “Sonoma Squares Murder Mystery.” And you can experience it not only as a reader, but also as a writer. We’ve had so much fun crafting this thriller that we thought you might want to join in the adventure.

Anyone who dares can offer up for possible publication their own version of Chapter 13, “Death Watch.” If we get enough great drafts, we’ll run up to three of them on the blog starting June 4. We’ll include the writers’ photos and, when appropriate, links to their websites. Readers can tell us which submission they like best (and yes, we’ll monitor comments to keep things civil.)

Want to learn more? Read on with our Q & A.

What is this? Sonoma Squares is a thriller where each short chapter is written by a different writer. It’s set in Sonoma County and features a scheming killer and a reporter who’s about to become part of the story. The first chapter was published April 23 here on Digitale Stories. For a look at the 15 known writers and their chapters, when published, click here.

How many words can I write? Please limit your submission to less than 1,000 words. If your word count exceeds 1,000, it very well may never be read.

What directions will I receive? Those who sign up will receive an email by Friday, May 4 with the details. Included will be: 1) a brief outline of the first 12 chapters; the complete text of Chapter 12, “Sinking Feeling,” by Press Democrat Editorial Director Paul Gullixson; and 3) the guidelines for what MUST be covered in Chapter 13 to move the story forward.

What is the deadline to turn in my draft? Robert Digitale MUST receive your draft via email to by 11 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday, May 18.

How will you choose the submissions for publication? Robert Digitale will be solely responsible and authorized to select the most powerful, riveting submissions for online publication. If an ebook is published, he will take into account reader reactions but will be solely empowered to choose which version or versions shall appear in any future publications.

Did you say ebook? Can I make money off this? No. None of the writers are going to make any money from Sonoma Squares. If there are any proceeds from any future publications, the money will be donated to a worthy charity, probably one that supports reading.

How do I sign up? Send an email to Put the phrase “Chapter 13” in the subject line. You’ll receive a confirmation.

Thanks for your interest. We’re looking forward to reading your part of the story.

— Robert Digitale


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